
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:23, 1 June 2012 by Sennen (Talk | contribs)
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You take the rifle by your side, aim for her torso, and fire.

The sound is deafening. Lead flies out of the barrel of the gun and it tears across her gut. She lets out a blood-curdling shriek before tumbling onto her shredded stomach.

Blood, bits of stringy meat and bile pour onto the floor. The smell of half-digested food and fluids nearly overwhelm you.

The girl tries to roll over onto her back, but the pain is too much and the gash too wide.

You're no doctor, but it's obvious she won't make it.

End her suffering with a shot to the head

Try to comfort her and apologize

Wait for her to die

I Am: Jack S. I'm In:

The Trenches.

I Feel: Fine.
Kills: 1.
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