Help get her out of here

From Create Your Own Story

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Somehow bashing the guy over the head then leaving the girl here or abusing her further strikes you as self-defeating. So, shouldering the bat, you go through the pockets of his leather pants. He has nothing on him except for $400 stuffed in his back pocket. Jackpot. You take the money. His frame is huge so you strip off his black t-shirt before too much blood gets on it. As you guessed it would, the hem comes down to your thighs. You relieve him of his thick leather belt. Tying it around your waist converts the shirt into a makeshift dress.

This done you turn to the girl with the Mohawk. She is scrabbling weakly at her clothes and looking blearily around her as if searching for something. There are no signs of a pair of panties and you can only guess she wasn't wearing any. As you approach the tree you realise that on the opposite side there is a discarded small black backpack decorated with a skull and crossbones. Half of the contents appear to have been emptied onto the dry floor of the clearing. You scoop up what you can see and return the items to the bag. Of interest are a surprisingly full keychain and wallet. There is an obvious car key, but working out which of the clutch of others is the house key could be a matter of trial and error. The wallet contains no money, which makes you suspect that this is where the $400 dollars originated from. There is, however, a name and address.

"Well, Jean Gallow, let's get out of here," you mutter.

You're tempted to try and cram the bat up his ass before you leave. But for all you know he's already dead. And, more importantly, you really like the bat and would rather keep it.

Throwing her bag over one shoulder and hooking the bat to a convenient loop on the bag, you pull Jean to her feet and snake an arm around her to hold her aloft as the two of you stumble out of the clearing. As yet she hasn't so much as acknowledged your presence but returning to the path she points not back the way you came but further up it. After a couple of minutes the path connects to an even larger clearing the far end of which opens out onto a quiet road. A large black 4x4 is the solitary vehicle and, yes, the key on the chain opens it.

You put her in the passenger seat. She's recovering her equilibrium quickly. She takes the bag from you before you move around to the driver's side.

"Uh... thanks," she mutters.

As you drive away her shaking hands discover a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from the depths of her bag and she lights up. She opens her window to blow smoke out of and kicks off her heavy buckled boots. She sinks lower in her seat and puts her stocking-clad-feet up on the dashboard. She takes a drag and appraises you carefully. She's surprisingly calm. If not for the run mascara, bruises and stained skirt you might think nothing had happened.

"You some kind of vigilante?"

"I'm a nun."

She bursts out laughing. "Cool, cool," she drawls.

"You're remarkably calm considering..."

"Ugh... that fucker. I said he could fuck me. I was looking forward to being crammed full of that huge prick. But I didn't say he could fuck my shit-hole. Now I won't be able to sit down properly for weeks."

Hmmm. Not exactly what you thought it was.

Still, she smiles at you and says, "Thanks though. It hurt like an absolute motherfucker. Take me home and I'll find some way to make it up to you."

That sounds promising.

Her apartment turns out to be surprisingly large and spacious. "Mi casa es tu casa," she says with a small bow before retreating to the bathroom.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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