Jumping jacks for a jacket

From Create Your Own Story

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Status Topless and Humiliated

They take you along the boardwalk and have a lot of fun at your expense, on more than one occasion you find yourself running to keep up with them and falling out of your top just like they had planed.

Eventually you end up in a crowded part near a tourist center and one of the guys makes you an offer, he points to the wall to the side of the building and tells you he will put his jacket on you if you stand there and do some jumping jacks for three full minutes.

You would really like the jacket to cover up with, but you realize if you do jumping jacks your boobs will bounce right out of your top and doing them for that long they will be bouncing all over the place.

With great reluctance you realize you have to give in and just get it over with, walking over to the place he pointed to you turn and face him, one of the guys pulls out a cell phone. Tina smiles at you and says "I've got five bucks that says she will pop out of her top before thirty seconds is up", one of the guys grins and leers at your boobs and says "you're on"

You wish they would stop drawing attention to your boobs like that, it's not like they don't draw attention to themselves. At least you'll be able to cover them up soon enough, activating his stop watch function on his wristwatch you hear a guy say "ok and....... go! start jumping slut"

You start doing jumping jacks on command and just as you figured the top couldn't possibly contain tits as large as yours for very long, Tina speaks up "hah, pay up sucker" looking at the guy who took her bet. "no way, the bet was for both of her tits... only the left breast has popped out." just as he says that your other breast pops out of the tiny top and then the guy with the stopwatch yells out thirty seconds. "Ok, I'll pay.... though to tell you the truth it was worth every cent" as he now openly stares at your naked bouncing breasts.

You continue to do jumping jacks for your audience, the guy with the cell phone taking pictures. You are gathering quite a crowd as other people who are in the area wander over to see what's going on. One guy even has a camcorder and starts to record as soon as he sees a topless girl doing jumping jacks. You start to tire as you are jumping there in place. The guy with the stopwatch has been calling out the time every thirty seconds and you are tiring faster than you thought. "Thirty seconds left" he yells out as Tina looks at the stopwatch and it reads five minutes thirty seconds and grins.

"Time is up" he yells out and you gratefully stop jumping nearly exhausted. After a few minutes of catching your breath you remember to cover your exposed breasts "all right I did your stupid jumping jacks now where's my jacket?" The guy that made the deal with you walks up and says "a deal is a deal, I said I'd let you wear my jacket if you did some jumping jacks and I'm a man of my word." He then wraps the jacket around your waist like so many girls wear it using the arms to tie it in front. "I said you could wear it, but I didn't say HOW you could wear it"

What happens next?:

Caught on security cam doing jumping jacks

Continuing on towards the historical gift shop

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