Tell her a crazed pantless woman shot your partner

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:03, 22 January 2012 by VelvetDevil (Talk | contribs)

"Officer down," you respond in a firm and commanding voice, "I repeat,is officer down!"

"Understood," dispatch replies, "Tell us where and we'll send someone out to your location"

You give a rough description of your location along the road.

"Someone is on their way now," she replies, "Can you give us a description of the suspect"

"Suspect is a female Caucasian with no pants," you respond, "She is currently heading south along the main road. Suspect appears hand-cuffed but should be considered armed and extremely dangerous."

"Did you just 'with no pants'?" she responds with uncertainty.

"Yes," you reply curtly.

"...And she's hand-cuffed."

"APPEARS hand-cuffed," you correct angrily.

"Understood," dispatch responds and sends out the word to all available units.

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Police Officer
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