Choose Your Own Adventure Adventure

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Maximus wasn't bad, just not good enough. Breaking windows was okay, it's not like he did anything horrible. He was a Family Friendly to PG-13 character after all. His mother always told him to stay away from the 'Mature and beyond' riffraff. Maximus lived a confused life, at any rate. His mother knew they were fictional, but no one believed her when she lived in some... place. Some other CYOA site. Something called InfiniteTale... no, it was Infinite S-something. It definitely started with an S after Infinite. She moved here. Maximus's father stayed behind. He was a policeman, he didn't want to move to this crime-free neighbourhood, but at least it wasn't a crime-free site. There were Advertiser-Vandals. He was supposed to be dead to fit the context, but he had lost his fateher all the same.

Maximus was a CYOA Main Character's Best Friend Character. His code was CYOA-MCB-FC-0021. His description was as an eleven black-haired boy. Kind of smart but... obtuse. He let thing's slip by. These descriptions leaked into character's personal lives a lot. If anyone wanted his official Identity...

Name: Maximus

Age: 11

Personality: Intelligent but slow in interactions with other people.

Family: Widowed mother.

Description: Black-Haired, Blue Eyes.

Does odd jobs to support his mother. Symapathetic to his friend

Maximus popped out of his story to visit some friends and let Mauximus, the result of a spelling error play the story. He'd come back when someone edited it. Maximus strolled along the main page, hiding in some clever subtext and a line like this |. He hid in an option, snuck past Idea pitches and got to the content distributor. Two portals. PG-13 and FF. He knew the other two were blocked to him, an eleven grade character. If he wanted to get there, it would be on foot, and it was hard to hide in the headline of the stories. He was cheerful today. He's show someone his trick. Maximus|Kill yourself. He did it every so often. If a User saw his description walking around they'd freak out. He sometimes turned into code and blocked edits, they'd see his name where it wasn't supposed to be, and he'd get edited out. He shuddered. Tales about being edited lasted through the ages. Maximus retained his mood.

Passing by his friends, there were Wish Stone and Time-watch. They had no names since they were in a first person story. Maximus waved and they waved back. Passing by the hospital, there were a bunch of zombies in there, such that there were one of these for every neighbourhood, to restrain those guys while they weren't being read. When they were out though, you had to keepout. only a few zombies got used to the continuity, but they got bitten through the course of the story. They actually were concious. Besides, main or main-group characters were smarter than others. He kept walking. There was the Unicorn Tamer. His boss wasn't very good. There was his boss. He played to roles, and he shed his taming outfit to show his suit underneath, and went to his story in The Boss. Oh, look there was the Illusionist, just in time. Maximus stopped and crossed the road. He didn't have to, but it was to stop injury by th- CRAAASH! Good, the spaceship was on time. Maximus walked to the convinience store briefly described in The Boss. Funny how they had a McDonalds in the neighbourhood but he couldn't find a supermarket story. The neighbour hood, well, everyone lived their lives unless there was a story in whatever building. There was a theme park, but if you waited for more than an hour on any ride Demons get you and you wait in line for eternity.

Maximus passed over some money he got from zookeeping in Visiting the Zoo. He also worked as the morphing fruitbat when the real one wanted a day off. Since there wasn't a name involved, Maximus could play the part with the powers. In fact, shops and facilites were the only places with money here. There were people paying fees to enter the zoo in a description. Well, he felt sad for the spelling error they stuffed in the Theme Park for the eternity ending, but he wasn't going to buy a wristband and take his place. Maximus jumped to the side and dodged a laser by an inch. Spacewars in GDS had a problem with lasers. Ducked, a flying hobo. Ducked again, a bird being chased by a twit. Look, a tornado. All the radios were tuned to the station. Looks like someone was on Surviving Today, so Maximus ran and picked up some candy from the shop then let the tornado smash. the trouble with having disaster stories was that they took up the radio sapce, and you don't know which are actually diasters. An earthquakes struck three years ago, and Max had been cautious, remembering allthe story-disasters. Then he kept walking, stuff had to be done.

Most of all, Maximus wanted to buy a status indicator. It looked so cool on someone else's description, floating above them. Too bad they were being sold at the shop near the botttom. They sold italics and bold there too, and hidden stuff. Maximus was supposed to buy it the method of hiding, but he swapped with Harry Potter for a bandage for his foot after the teacup incident. Maximus went on. Life for a CYOA chracter was decent enough, but he only could visit any story for ten minutes, and he couldn't travel through much white space, so he had to pay money at the |- toll booths to enter some when he didn't cross-jump through close-links. Oh, right, he had to deliver something.

Maximus ran to a zombie adventure and made a detour to Kill yourself intersection. He went into Madman's Mansion and crossed by Chang, tossing the lump of cheese, enchanted by the witch in Visiting the Zoo, on the kitchen counter then story-jumped out. He'd have to pay a fine if wasn't on RobKohr business. If it wasn't Admin business, pay. Wikia orders. Even going out? Well, Maximus strolled around. He did odd jobs but it was okay for Maximus and mother on food. They had to buy certain luxuries, but food was taken care of because the reader assumed you'd already done it. Max went over to Genesis and called in a couple of favours. He'd earned them by stealing a lightning bolt integral to the story from some wannabe God in another story. They'd deliver the status indicator soon.

Meanwhhile, he'd have to buy a game from the store mentioned in Christmas time, his younger brother had been asking for SO LONG! The money came easily enough. Time was of no consequence. He loved the store they were heading to. It said 'game' in the story, so it could be ANY game. So long he thought of it while going. Hmm, a puzzle then, Maximus turned the corner. Yes! A copy of reversi at discount price. This store had perpetual christmas prices. Simply the setting ensured the prices. Besides, they had perpetual christmas-size stock.

After buying, Maximus took a shortcut down the technology Avenue of T, dodging the Time Machine guy. Turning into P, avoiding the open settings of Mad Old Lady Cakargee, since the Princess went for a course in Religious Studies. Avoiding Her and the Demigods in the Relgious Street down P was always annoying, and you could get knocked down b a bus. Once Mrs. Dodds took him for Percy's subsitute when the real one had chosen to stay behind.

The worst was the fire in the Labyrinth Field thing. None of the Demigods had moved, since there hadn't been any pages then, sitting in forever battle ready positions. Maximus dodged swords and stuff as the demigods did test runs to ease their boredem. They had an even shorter stick than the ones in eternity. Their authors had moved on, and some of their kind hadn't even gotten descriptions. Maximus had got it lucky for a CYOA character. 2012 over by the end was blank with none of the constant disasters promised in their index at the Main Page. Maximus, however, came from a simple and completed CYOA. Not too many disasters and he wasn't a main, yet integral enough to warrant a proper description and personality.

Maximus stopped to get his bearings as the electronics down N was hard to get across. He crossed the Nintendo area, avoiding the flowers meant for Mario. Then he walked through the Pokemon story, dodged the Herk penguins and finally turned down to the L neighbourhood of FF. His house was the only one there. He went \in and settled some things, then put Mauximus off duty. Such was his life as a CYOA character.

However, the CYOA was about to be thrown into chaos. In a discreet part of Adult, ten characters shipped their goods to the North, 2000 characters followed. Usually, they lent the goods to Poor Taste, but today, they shipped it all to Mature. This was their plot to destroy FF and PG-13, as well as lower the grade of mature. Several tons of A+ material were being shippped in a route through M, before it sent itself through long war stories. They didn't have the manpower when the featured story had been War Pigs, and there had only been 2 kilograms of the A+ material. The Featured borders were strict. They were, after all, the north gate of FF. PG-13 couldn't do much against FF. However, a featured M or A could hit FF.

Their plan was simple. Smuggle the goods past three border guards using an admin pass, delivered through careful watch of the editing. Blocking the users of stories that they passed through using the fake sysop rights and returning a failed SQL query, and the ship could avoid editing from users. The only way it could fail is if a User passed by and saw the ship. So, what was the ship carrying?

The ship was 2000 lines like this | that would hide the goods. The goods were links from suporting stories. The men would remove the categories on one page with few views, place a link on one with many views. After jumping through the link-portal, they would use a code to implant the categories on the new pages before reporting on missions at the highest viewed story. One story, High School had lent a large amount of manpower, and they had one story that was backing them up from Poor Taste. They had 2000 characters on the workforce and 10000 support goats. Plus, the only ones who knew of the plan were the fools from Meta-Games. They had no characters. They laughed. Nothing could stop them.

One user saw a link. One character ran an errand for the first time into Mature. They could.

Maximus and the New User

He scrolled through the site. He had joined this site to edit something, or he wouldn't have signed up. He scrolled some more. He sighed. Everything public was at the bottom. He couldn't find a Family Friendly or PG-13 story by scrolling. He went for the Tutorial one more time. All of a sudden, he got an idea. He would go to a page, and rephrase! He clicked on something on mature. Main page of the story... He clicked edit. What was... Why were there extremely inappropiate links? He refreshed, and they were gone. The User, now called Rob for convinience, backed out and went to the page before. Repeated the actions. There they were! Inappropiate comments and a strangely long page. It was on the WHOLE page.

Then, a line of text appeared on the right. Rob quickly used the back button. A line of text still there... description. A description of a ten year old and his history, vaguely human-shaped. It stopped and the two spaces at the top of its face widened. Then it ren and dissapeared. Rob was, by now, qutie nervous. He clicked edit anyway. The form of a human, curled in a ball and quite small, the text now unreadable at font size 1, and it's colour was blue. A new line of text opened above, newly typed. "Are... you going to edit me out?" Rob decided to save, making sure he couldn't edit, and since the links were gone, he decided it was safe. The line of text was... human. The text turned back to black, and he... or she, straightened up on the page, the words flowing freely, and he/she resized. "My name is Maximus." He clicked edit, and lines of gibberish threw themselves in front of Maximus. Self -Defense? He typed, "I'm Rob." Another line appeared, "I need you to open a link to my home, Long Page Challenge." Rob, still curious, said, "Come to my user page first." He looked at the reply. "Okay." Ron typed, User:Rob, and added brackets. The line of text erased all traces of their conversation and walked through. Rob deleted the link, saved, and went to his page. The line of text was there, and Rob had a lengthy conversation.

Rob: "Who are you?"

Maximus: "I told you, Maximus."

Rob: "No, what I'm trying to say is... What are you?"

Maximus: "Oh, I'm a character from a story, the Long Page Challenge."

Rob: "What's all the text?"

Maximus: "This is my existence. Description, History, Personality. DHP. Sometimes extended and made TheHealthPoints. I lose health and I lose some description. Too much and I'll become a ball of Personality. No longer with HD."

Rob almost laughed. The Health Points, when lost, would lose High Definition and become a Pale ball.

Rob: "Then... Why are you out of your story?"

Maximus: "Oh, well, it isn't read much, and the author made a typo, so I have a stand-in, Mauximus. Therfore I can take breaks."

Rob: How did I see you?

Maximus: "I usually hide behind walls like this |, but I made a mistake, since I didn't duck under the walls."

Rob: "Did you see the links?"

Maximus: "They look like portals to me, and yes. I wanted to run through them."

Rob: "Why didn't you?"

Maximus: "They linked to Adult stories, I can't go through."

Rob: "Wait, what were links to Adult doing in Mature?"

Maximus: "Someone edited them? Unless... No."

Rob: "What?"

Maximus: "My mom told me there were certain walls that moved. You could hide links in them. I thought that was an old wives tale. Rob, tell someone with sysop rights, they'll stop this. Momma was old fashioned, but I know for sure you could call in Platypus or fruitbat. I can't generate links, but if I'm out of my story... don't tell them about me. Tell them about the links. They'll be progressing. Tell them to wait in an 'A' starting story in mature."

Sysop Rights

Rob spilled it out. He told them all of it. Except for Maximus. They'd never believe him. They were on RobKohr's discussion Page. Not much of a meeting place, but whatever. RobKohr decided and gave sysops to 5 people he'd been thinking of. One of the new admins, Frider, asked him, "How did you know about the walls? Turns out you should only know when you become an admin."

Rob decided to stay silent. Then, the most unexpected thing happened. Rob logged out to surf the internet, and he got strapped in a chokehold. another man, a burly one, like the one behind him, clamped a chloroform rag. He fainted.

He woke up and he saw 6 other people in the table at ten men garding two exits. 5 introduced themselve's by screen name. The goverment man, as seen by all the badges on him, said, "I know how good... you 5 write. You," he said, pointing at Rob, "are going to tell me all you know about the digital people."

"First, how important is this site to you?"

"Very." all 6 Users responded.

(I'm adding myself as one of them because... well, it IS my story. You can add yourself if you want and I'll throw you into an option and such...)

The general gave a briefing. Army briefing. Rob slept through it.

Personnel List


User: Rob




User: Frider

General:John Smith

Soldiers unspecified.

Well, that's about all he caught.

"You are to go into the story, we have the means to go in, before you ask. Anyways, I have one condition to help you save your site."


"You write a forest scene and let us log it."

They all looked uncomfortable.

"I will." Snowball offered.

The General smiled.

CYOAA: Play as Snowball

CYOAA: Play as Frider

CYOAA: Play as Rob

As of --Snowball 06:53, 25 November 2011 (UTC)

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