Pi Pi Pi/She gets a t-shirt too

From Create Your Own Story

< Pi Pi Pi
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As you leave the closet, Tara, who also has a thin, gray t-shirt, goes into the closet.

"Hang on, and I'll hand you my wet clothes," she says.

You wait by the door, and, after a few minutes, she hands you her wet clothes, including her bra and panties.

"What should I do with these?" you ask the man.

"Oh," he says, "you can stick them by the camera lights. That's where I put your wet clothes. Those lights should dry them off pretty quickly."

You walk over to the camera lights and see your clothes draped over a couple of lights. You drape Tara's clothes over a couple of other lights. As you walk back to where Tara is changing, you notice that your tight t-shirt has ridden up a few inches, exposing your pussy. You quickly pull it back down. You're going to have to be careful to keep yourself covered.

When you get back to the other room, Tara is still changing.

"So," the man says as you enter the room. "We didn't properly meet. I'm Jim. I run the university TV studio."

"Hi, I'm Sally," you reply, "I'm a freshman, so I didn't even know the university had a TV studio."

"It's not much," Jim confesses, "we broadcast various university activities--assemblies, lectures, and stuff--on a local channel. And I do the weather, which you were part of earlier. And, I'm starting an interview series where I interview interesting people on campus. You know what? I don't have any freshmen yet. Why don't I interview you. We can do it right now while you are waiting for your clothes to dry."

"Um. I don't know. Am I interesting?" you reply.

"Sure. Come on. It will be fun," Jim says. Then he calls over his shoulder: "Hey Manny, get over here. We need to film something else."

Before you have time to really think about it, Jim sits you down on a little loveseat and sits down in a chair facing you. Manny, who seems to be the cameraman, comes over with a camera.

"Alright, Jim. I'm ready," he says.

Just then, you hear Tara calling from the little closet.

What does Tara need?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

A thin, gray t-shirt

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