SM:Watch Them Fight

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:47, 17 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to just stand there and watch the two of them fight.

The crazy lady proves to be exceptionally strong despite her age and fractured mental state compared to the younger nurse. For the next little while it seems as though the nurse is going to choke to death.

The nurse's survival instincts finally kick in at what must be the final few seconds of her life and she elbows the crazy lady in the chest a few times in rapid succession. It stuns the crazy lady long enough for the nurse to pull the wire away from her throat and gasp deseprately for air. She starts to get up when the crazy lady's limbs reach out and wrap tightly around her to keep her on the ground.

The crazy lady holds the nurse in a headlock with her arms and her legs are wrapped around the nurse's torso and squeezing too.

As your time ticks down to zero, the back and forth of the nurse and crazy lady is suddenly put on pause and both of them seem to freeze. Neither of them move anymore, and a quick glance around the room tells you that it isn't just them as none of the machines appear to be doing anything anymore either. It is as though time itself has stopped.

"Could you not decide who to help?" a voice asks, coming from just behind you. You recognize it as the voice from an hour ago when you signed that contract.

You turn around to see, in the doorway to the room, a hooded black cloak with a featureless, white porcelain mask where the face should be floating there. It has no body or form, and you can see only black where its' eyes should be in the mask.

It slips into the room, focused on the struggle on the ground until it comes to a stop, then it turns to you.

"I had come to collect you because you ran out of time, but I think that can wait a few more minutes," the phantom says as the door to the room you are in suddenly slams closed. It opens again, this time in a seemingly impossible way as it opens opposite the direction it should. Beyond the doorway is no longer a hallway but instead an empty black abyss.

"You may go wait for me if you wish, I am going to see how this plays out. I am curious as to whose soul I may offer the same deal I offered you."

You look to the phantom, then to the nurse and crazy lady. To stay and watch or to go ahead and wait for the phantom... probably the last choice you were ever going to be allowed to make.

"If you can guess who will win... Maybe I will let you go when your debt is paid instead of keeping you like I had planned on," the phantom says while facing the ladies.

"What? I thought the contract said I was only yours until my debt is paid!?" you question.

"You should have read the fine print on the back... Now who is it you think will win?" the phantom asks again, followed by letting out a cruel, haunting laugh.

You realize now the mistake you'd made in not helping one or the other.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, but perhaps not forever if you are a sadistic gambler and win the bet...

Restart -- Quit
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