SM:You Have None

From Create Your Own Story

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You think back to all the hours you've burned with television shows, movies, and/or books to decide just how to strike. It doesn't take long for you to realize what you must do.

You throw yourself to your feet and pivot on one foot while bringing up the other and striking at the phantom in a circular motion. A spinning roundhouse kick that you're sure even a certain texas ranger would be proud of.

Your leg connects with the cloak of the phantom and cuts right through it, blowing the cloak out to one side. Physics quickly allow the cloak to fall back down as it was with seemingly no harm done. A cruel, haunting laughter fills the air as you desperately try to survive.

That didn't work, so you decide to go for a high kick to its' mask. You raise your hands into the air, lift one leg and leave it bent, while balancing on your other foot. You bend low and spring yourself into the air while kicking out with your other foot just like Mr. Miyagi taught a certain kid. Your foot catches the bottom of the cloak as you rise into the air while bringing up your leg.

Right before your foot can connect with the mask an invisible, yet powerful force suddenly strikes you in the chest. As you are in the air this strike sends you flying backward. You hit the 'ground' hard, roll, and tumble across it.

You don't even have a chance to get up as what feel like hands grab your shins, thighs, forearms, and upper arms and pin you down.

Laughter fills the air again as the phantom floats over to you, seemingy unharmed. This time its' laugh seems to permeate through your body and send shivers down your spine.

"You are going to provide me with plenty of entertainment, I can tell already. If I'd known you wanted to get started right away instead of waiting until we returned to my realm then you only needed to ask. We will have a long time to spend together, after all," the phantom says as it stops advancing next to your feet. A gigantic pair of silver scissors suddenly appears before you, floating just in front of the phantom.

They tilt until they are slightly parted with the blades pointing toward the floor. They lower around your upper left thigh and close until you can feel the sharp blades pressing into your flesh and drawing some blood.

"Why don't we start by snipping these off? You clearly don't know how to use them."

This is going to hurt, and from a previous comment the phantom made, you get the feeling it is just the beginning. Even after you have repaid your debt, the comment of spending along time together tells you that this phantom isn't going to let you go. Ever.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, and forever.

Restart -- Quit
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