You've done enough work for the day. Head home to be with your family

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:42, 27 November 2011 by Rgupta0747 (Talk | contribs)
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You get in your luxury car (it is American though) and drive home to your quiet house. You own a beautiful house that was built last year. Lucky for you, the original buyer defaulted on his loan and had to step away, giving you a real steal. After moving in, you and your family have really put some personal touches to the house. You added a pool in the backyard, you transformed the garage into a workshop, and you added in an intercom system that is wired from the doorbell to the rest of the house, partly because it is safe and partly because you though it looked really cool.

When you enter your house, Cynthia has already made your favorite dinner (Chicken with Portobello Mushrooms and seasoned potatoes) and has the table set up. With the boys all washed up, you set down to have a nice dinner.

Afterwords, Cynthia tucks in the kids and comes back downstairs to cuddle with you on the couch. What do you do now?

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