A white minidress with black stripes and boots

From Create Your Own Story

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You look at your silhouette in the mirror and dream of your boobs being larger. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later...

You sigh, take the paper out of your shirt, and jump in the shower. You already have your outfit for the day selected: a cute white mini-dress with black stripes. It's a recent purchase and you have a killer pair of black boots that will go with it perfectly.

Once dressed, you do your hair and make-up. Your phone rings when you are part way through your make-up, and you see that it's your best friend. "I'm outside! Get your butt in my car!" she practically yells when you answer.

"Calm down chica!" You laugh at Janey, she is some kind of excited about the outing she has planned for you today. You don't know the details yet, all she told you was to dress up and be prepare for fun.

You finish your make-up quickly and run out to where she is parked. She has a devilish glint in her eye and is wearing a pretty hot outfit of a red mini skirt, white button down blouse that is open to just under her bust, and a lacy low-cut tank top. She compliments you on your dress and says "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be! Where are we off to, can you tell me now?"

In response, Janey:

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