Look for fun in the clothing store

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:03, 4 November 2011 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)

You shimmy your way into the clothing store. You see several of your fellow high schoolers here. Apparently you're not the only one who decided it was too nice a day to waste inside a clasroom.

You walk over to the lingerie section and pick out several incredibly sexy pairs to try on. As you do so, you draw looks from some of the other high schoolers.

Two people in particular seem most interested in your movements. There's your fellow cheerleader, Kellie Scifres, a hot brunette with a build almost exactly like yours. You scan Jill's memory and discover that Kellie is a lesbian who has a major crush on Jill. There's also Mychal Whyte, the star wide receiver who is also the school's best distance runner. Mychal is a little bit shy at times, but his lean, rangy build and rugged facial features have eyery girl at the school daydreaming about him. As you turn to head for the dressing rooms, he openly stares at you and lets out a soft whistle.

You are possessing:
Jill the Cheerleader
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