
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:10, 25 October 2011 by SDood (Talk | contribs)
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You awake to a sharp pain assailing the back of your skull,You can taste blood in your mouth.Your body feels like it has been trampled by a troop of Reiksguard Knights.You can feel at least one rib broken causing a cutting pain in your side.It is eerily quiet and a rancid stench assails your nostrils,a scent of what could only be rotting fish.You realize you are laying in fish guts.

Just then you can hear a slight brushing sound off in the distance,you struggle to try and concentrate on the sound.Footsteps.They gradually get louder and then suddenly stop.

A harsh grizzled voice suddenly breaks the silence."Are'ye up yet you pathetic piece of trash,you cheap Tilean whore?" Try to moan out response.......Grit your teeth and stay silent

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