Rush to get dressed and get to work on time

From Create Your Own Story

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With a profane scream, you shove your morning wood in a pair of work pants and pull on a presentable shirt. You run out the apartment door trying to put on a tie, completely forgetting about breakfast. You leap into your car and speed off to work in the little dark green Honda Civic. You swerve in and out of traffic, earning the ire of many other drivers and honks from several. When you arrive at the parking lot you screech into a parking spot and run through the door of the moderate sized monument to a faceless corporation.

It is 8:57 when you enter the building. You enter the elevator, thumbing the button for the 4th floor at least seven times. While on the way up, you can't peel your eyes off the clock that now says 8:59 in bright red LED letters. The elevator doors open like the gates at a racetrack. You dodge and weave to your cubicle where you slam down into the chair and clock in at your computer just as its clock changes to 9:00. You give yourself a congratulatory few moments to breathe and get to work. But just then your friend Jamie walks down the aisle waving at you. He looks really excited about something. Jamie is a pretty chubby raccoon with full cheeks and arms, but manages to avoid having a bowl of jelly for a stomach. He is the only gay person you know, but that doesn't bother you much since he keeps his hands to himself... mostly.

"Hey man, what's up with you? You look exhausted," Jamie says.

"It's nothing Jamie," Nothing that doesn't happen once a month at least, "I just had a pretty rough morning," you reply.

"Well, look alive 'cause we have some new employees today. There's a new girl for reception and a new guy for accounting. And I gotta say, the accountant is so freaking hot, I just can't stand not looking at him. He is so out of my league, but you should go ask him on a date." says Jamie, with a wink from behind that bandit's mask.

"For the last time Jamie, I am not gay," you say, a little annoyed.

Jamie always thought you were gay. It's actually the reason you met. You were talking to Jamie in what you assumed was a regular bar. To you, it was just a regular conversation, but Jamie thought you were flirting. At the end of the chat, Jamie asked you on a date and you naturally declined. Because you aren't gay. This puzzled Jaime, who asked "if you're not gay, what are you doing in a gay bar?". Your gut froze as cold as the beer you just finished, and you left quickly without saying anything. However, once you got your job here, you found out he was working a few cubicles over and you became fast friends.

"See, you keep saying that and I keep not believing you." The raccoon chuckled, "But I guess if you're not interested in the number-puncher, I hear the new receptionist is a pretty cute babe." He teased, fingers tapping against the sound absorbing wall of your cubical.

What do you want to do?:

or if you really were interested

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Dress shirt, Tie, Work pants

Gender Male
Species Fox
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