Stay and chat with Nancy

From Create Your Own Story

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You follow Nancy into the kitchen, her ass swaying in front of you is just as hard to ignore as it was when you were still dating her daughter and you almost don't hear her when she says "so how have you been?" "oh you know same old same old" You reply taking a deep breath and looking away from her rear. Nancy looks back over her shoulder with a smile and says "you know Alicia really misses you". You resist the urge to roll your eyes and choose a neutral path through the subject. "well you know we had our time together". "unfortunately it wasn't meant to be" you tell her. "oh right it had nothing to do with my daughter clinging to you like a stalker did it" she replies. "well no it wasn't like that" you say. Nancy stops walking and leans back against the fridge, she crosses her arms and stares at you. "I love her but you and I both know she has issues with men" Nancy says. You just nod your head and smile a little at how good her legs look. "you've been tanning again?" You ask. "mmmhm, gotta do something to look good" she says. Your heart picks up speed as the inner juvenile's ridiculous sex dreams take a hold and you almost lose your breath when you say "nah you don't need tanning to look good, you do it naturally". Nancy smiles with a chuckle and says "oh you always were a charmer". "thank you for flattering an old woman". "your not old, your just in your professional years" you reply. "what am I some kind of hooker" she says laughing. You shake your head no then tell her "its like in your twenties your a rookie, thirties your a veteran, but in the forties your like an expert". "you know what you like and how to get it see". Nancy purses her lips thinking about it then nods, "yeah I guess I am a pro". "I better get upstairs and grab my stuff" you say. As you turn around and head for the hallway Nancy says "Actually!"

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