Murderworld "Home": Kitchen.

From Create Your Own Story

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You then walk into the kitchen and open the pantry and see if they have any chips. You are starving. Then, suddenly, Xtephanie comes in and asks what you are doing. You tell her what you are doing then the door to get back outside shuts. You run to the door and pull the knob. You pull and pull but that door wont budge. You then notice that their is a secret passage in the room. "What is this? Clue?" you asked Xtephanie. She then noticed the passage too. "Well," she said, "lets go in."

You ask her not to but she just calls you a chicken and walks into the secret passage. You then notice that the PDA has e-mail. You then notice that Xtephanie put her e-mail in your PDA. You have no idea why she did that. You wait 10 minutes to see if she will come out. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" someone screams. Then, you called out to her. "X," you called, "I dont think you should be in their." You then get an e-mail on your PDA from her. It said 'HELP ME!!! SOMEONE TOOK ME AND IT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD!!!

You then remembered that Xtephanie has a big reputation in school for lying. She always pranks you. What do you think?

Go look for Xtephanie, this IS Murderworld.

[[Murderworld "Home":Living Room|Ignore her complately, the liar

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