
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:58, 11 September 2011 by 903860 (New) (Talk | contribs)
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My name is Aden and I have contributed to the Harry Potter project along with Elilev3. I have also started and contributed to the Goosebumps Choose Your own Adventure, Goosebumps in Horrorland. I like parodies. In my opinion the "Family-friendly" section is more of a PG section than G because it contains hints of violence and insanity.

My new story is called, Percy Jackson: The adventures of a demigod. I hope it is more popular than Goosebumps in Horrorland but some users like Zesk say that they might help with my older story.

Why is everyone creating all these stories all of the sudden, some of them are not even appropriate for the family-friendly section!!!!

I am recently interested in editing, since of the massive story rush (in the family-friendly section).

I forgot my password, so I can't log into this account.

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