Dementa/Search the Room

From Create Your Own Story

< Dementa
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You realize that the room you are in serves as some kind of slaughterhouse. The great wooden table covered with bloodstains takes up the center of the room, while large slabs of meat, hopefully not human, dangle from metal hooks all around you. A small window, with metal bars, lets in the chilled evening breeze. Rain falls heavily on the grass beyond your reach, bringing water through the window and down the roughly hewn stone walls of the room.

The rain and cold wind cause you to shiver, your teeth chattering from the temperature and from fear. You realize that you're trapped in a building with no immediate chance of escape. And are the bars meant to keep things from getting in... or things from getting out? Tears form on your soft, pale cheeks and run down your face. They are the warmest thing you've felt since awakening, as you wonder why some one has held you here.

Wiping away the tears, you notice a narrow stairwell in the corner that blends in with the stonework.

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