Born to be Bad- female

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:15, 7 June 2011 by Pencilpower (Talk | contribs)

As with most of earth's creatures, birth is not a very pleasant for your kind. As a demon you spend the first twenty-five thousand years of your life incubating in a pod made composed of... well, let's just say it's better that you don't know. The first thing any demon ever experiences is the end of their world. For a few terrifying moments of chaos your entire universe shakes as hell's midwives shake your pod, checking to see if the occupant is alive and healthy. From that moment your entire existence has been decided.

Luckily for you you're a healthy fledgeling and they decide you are worthy to be born with the rest of your suitable siblings. You thrash about as the sound of an earsplitting crack shudders through your body followed by a sudden rush of movement as the goo inside your pod gushes out of a hole in the side of it's rocky membrane taking you with it.

You lay sprawled on a scalding rock platform surrounded by magma and coated in the black bile that once filled your pod. The sweltering heat makes it impossible to move and you have to fight to stay conscious. Suddenly a pair of inhumanly strong arms picks you up like a rag doll and dumps you back down in a stone cart next to another panting form. Mustering up all of your strength you open your eyes and look at the humanoid beside you. Surprisingly, her wide eyes are already open as she stares back.

Her eyes are a startling shade of:

  • Purple
  • Yellow
  • Red
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