Crack the bouncer in the face with your cane

From Create Your Own Story

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| Pimping|| (WIP- Don’t Edit)

You lift your cane and crack him in the teeth. His mouth erupts into florid red and he grabs his face, in agony. "Boyth!!!" he shouts with his newly-acquired lisp. "I need some help!" Two more bouncers emerge from inside of the club and surround you. As you attempt to lift your cane and hit another one, a third bouncer comes up from the rear and grabs your sceptre from your hand. One of them quickly pile-drives you into the concrete. Your spine goes numb and you feel a tingling in your fingers. You see a foot come down on your face followed by a quick flash of light.

Health 100 Equipment:

Number of Women-1

MP {{{MP}}}
Level Pimp
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