Prove that you can beat a symbol and dive towards the blackboard!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:41, 21 May 2011 by Liddle (Talk | contribs)
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Huh! You'll show her that you can beat a symbol! You dive towards the bloackboard, she doesn't move, and watches you with mild interest. As soon as you get close to them you feel something happening to you. You were expecting to be swept up in emotions and sensations again, you were sure you could deal with that. Instead there is a strange sort of whispering you can't make out, you freeze once again completly unable to move. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all?

"I am tired and you clearly have a death wish. So, y'know have fun, you've already ruined the magic, I don't care anymore!" You hear the door slam. You start struggling all the harder, there's no one to save you know after all! The whispering intensifies, making your head ache and your vision starts blurring. Suddenly the whispering stops and you breathe out a sigh of relief. You close your eyes briefly, the darkness soothes you. After a couple of minutes you open your eyes, only to find you can't see anything. Just complete darkness. You close your eyes and open them again, nothing changes! Once again, you start panicing when a melody starts playing, it gently calms you, promising you protection. Protection from the world, from magic, from anything and everything that ever hurt you. You relax, you can't help it, you know you shouldn't but you can't stop yourself. It's so comfortable here, why would you ever leave?

You curl into a ball and don't even notice when your very essence is leached from you. By the time the girl comes back into the room there is nothing left of you, not here, not anywhere. You no longer exist.

Game over

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