Helen: fallen friends
From Create Your Own Story
You drive for a while realizing that the monsters you encountered at Elvira’s party are actually taking over the city. The word is vampire yet you don’t really want to acknowledge it.
You eventually find an empty parking lot where you stop to check on Claudia. You open the rear door of your car. Something is wrong. Claudia, spreading legs like she was going to give birth, is giving herself the dirtiest fistfuck you’ve ever seen. Lustfully she looks at you with the same hungry eyes you saw on the woman back at Elvira’s. When she opens her mouth and starts licking a pair of superb fangs you feel parted between the need to comfort your friend and the need to run away.
Suddenly a car burst into the parking lot driving straight into your car crushing the small Japanese coupé into the wall and, by doing so, saving your life. The two carcases almost instantly bust into flames. Something is telling you to run. You do. Behind you, you hear your former friend screaming her pain.
You turn around at a safe distance. From the flames, two burning figures emerge. You start running again. This time it’s not a clear and present danger that makes you do so but a feeling of drifting. Your paces against the hard concrete are the only thing that link you to reality. After a while you stop running and aimlessly wander the streets of Monroeville.
When the sun comes up you’ve survived by miracle yet most of your sanity has been washed away by last night’s events.
Congratulations you’ll get to see another day, through the bars of your padded cell
Alcohol level: none
Drug level: none
Horny level: none