Ariadne Kokuei

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:32, 19 April 2011 by AliJ5533 (Talk | contribs)
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You jump out the back window, completely out of site in this remote area, and land silently. You notice that the sun has almost completely left the horizon, and feel your skin tingle. It hasn’t been so long since you last fed that the light would actually pose a threat to you, but it’s still annoying enough to make you wish that it wasn’t necessary to make this assignment look like an accident.

You notice that you got a little blood on your finger, so you lick it off. You immediately regret doing so, as it just accentuates your craving.

It then dawns on you that those who do sleep will be waking up soon, so you had better exit the scene quickly.

What will you do:

Health 800 Equipment:




Blood 70
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