Want to keep trying to get Katya to blow you

From Create Your Own Story

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Katya's not in your class, so it takes some doing, but you follow Michelle once or twice until you see where she eats at the food court, and which coffee shop is her favorite. Soon enough, you find her meeting with Katya, and approach her yourself. The first time, she looks uncomfortable, makes an excuse, and hurries away. The second time, you plead with your eyes and then with your mouth -

"Look, miss...Katya. I'm sorry I came on so strong, but you see...it's just you're so beautiful, I got carried away. I'm a very lonely man and when I see a lovely young lady in trouble...well, I lose my head, and I'm truly, deeply sorry. If only there's a way I could make up for it. Really, I'm longing to help you stay in the country any way at all, if there was just a way to stop this complaint of yours..."

She smiles a little shyly and hints at several financial difficulties related to her stranded status. $500 changes hands. "Is any other way I can help?" she asks.

She's putty in your hands! You warm to your subject. "Well, yes...I mean, if we're going to act married and all that...the thing I was asking you to do, in my country, it is not a degrading act, it is a most intimate kiss between husband and wife...by American tradition, it is a lucky marriage that is blessed in this way...it is something we should share with each other, and let our neighbors know, so they will truly believe we are a loving, sharing couple - can we, dare we, do this beautiful thing together, as the beginning of our little secret?"

"Is very well," she says. "In your office at five tonight then." God! It's true about those former Soviet republics - burned-out drunk guys and hot babes who go down like bowling pins. Why the hell did your study abroad have to be in Canada?

Classes end at three but you don't leave your office - your pants are bulging with anticipation, and you can't concentrate on anything but that sweet young mouth that'll be pleasuring you shortly. She's late and you're about ready to say "screw it" and jerk off in the office when you hear the timid knock at your door.

She waits with downcast eyes as you let her in and lock the door behind her. Without a word, you go to your chair, and ease her to her knees. You poke at her face with the bulge in your pants until she gets the message, unbuckles your belt, unbuttons your pants, unzips your zipper, and pulls your underwear down to your knees. With a smile of pleasure, you take your seat and lean back as you feel those white young teeth sliding back and forth on your schlong. This won't take long, you think. Damn! Why didn't I tell her that facials are a marriage proposal over here? Well, they don't get enough nutrition in those third world places anyway...she could use the extra protein.

As you feel the itch of oncoming orgasm - she jumps up and screams - and you see she's torn her shirt open, revealing dark-nippled naked breasts. She runs for the door, then turns and points a finger at you - and angrily rattles off a list of fictitious demands she is not going to meet. No, she will not drink your pee-pee (Why would you want that?). No, she will not tattoo your name on her breasts. (Okay, whatever floats your boat, gal.) No, she will not fuck your dog. (Indeed, she won't; you don't have a dog.) Then she bursts out the door, bare-breasted to the world, including the security guard and late-working grad students who have come to investigate the noise.

The ethics inquiry continues, only now it seems there's video footage of the minute or so. Someone with access to your office planted that camera with ease...

You find out later that "Katya" is actually Katherine Kowalsky, an independent ethics officer hired by the university for an internal investigation into the behavior of professors. It turns out you're one of only two professors who failed the test.

You're fired. By pure coincidence, a cousin of Miss Kowalsky's ends up with your job.

So do you:

Health {{{Health}}} Identity:

Jack Foster, Former Philosophy Professor

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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