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- 18:01, 12 August 2013 (hist) (diff) N SASA:Dunmer (Created page with '"Voldyne" you say tersely. Normally you were quite optimistic, but even you had to admit to yourself that this situation looked grim. You had no chance of working your way out of…')
- 18:00, 12 August 2013 (hist) (diff) Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure
- 17:59, 12 August 2013 (hist) (diff) Category:Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure
- 17:57, 12 August 2013 (hist) (diff) Category:Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure
- 17:57, 12 August 2013 (hist) (diff) N Category:Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure (Created page with 'This is the category page for ''Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure''')
- 17:56, 12 August 2013 (hist) (diff) N Skyrim: A Sexual Adventure (Created page with 'Clip clop, clip clop, clip clop... Blearily your eyes open upon a mountainous world coated in fresh falling snow and biting winds; you're on a prison wagon, hands bound, sharing…')
- 00:25, 11 August 2013 (hist) (diff) N The Mind Controlling Device/(Device) Mess around with her body. (Created page with 'Your heart races, boner throbbing in your pants, as your look at your naked mother. It's incredible how hot she is, almost as sexy as the women on the internet you look at when …') (top)
- 23:02, 10 August 2013 (hist) (diff) The Mind Controlling Device/(Device) Tell her to get naked.
- 19:28, 9 August 2013 (hist) (diff) All Adult Stories
- 02:06, 29 July 2013 (hist) (diff) Pokemon: Sexy Version
- 02:04, 29 July 2013 (hist) (diff) Category:Pokemon: Sexy Version
- 02:03, 29 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N Category:Pokemon: Sexy Version (Created page with 'This is the category page for ''Pokemon: Sexy Version''')
- 02:02, 29 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N Pokemon: Sexy Version (Created page with 'Hello! And welcome to the Phalo region, a chain of temperate islands. Home to four cities and three small towns, the Phalo region is just big enough to hold its own recognized …')
- 01:27, 29 July 2013 (hist) (diff) All Adult Stories
- 09:16, 23 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N FemBard: Just go to the costume party. (Created page with 'You arrive at the Dancing Mermaid just ahead of the surge of attendees, much to your delight. You scope out a suitable place in the tavern, an upper-middle class establishment t…')
- 09:57, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N Category:House Mildenhall (Created page with 'An index of the pages in the story ''Demon Rune'', ''House Mildenhall''.') (top)
- 09:55, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N House Mildenhall (Created page with 'House Mildenhall. Descended from Norse, German, and English bloodlines, they are a mutt of a family, but take favorably from their lineage. Generally tall and pale-skinned, wit…') (top)
- 03:46, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) General Information and Writer's Guidelines for Demon Rune (top)
- 03:42, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N General Information and Writer's Guidelines for Demon Rune (Created page with 'The author would like to start by outlining a few small things I would prefer be followed when writing new pages. * Family members are fixed. Please don't add random family mem…')
- 03:03, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N Category:Demon Rune (Created page with 'An index of the pages in the story ''Demon Rune''.')
- 03:01, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) N Demon Rune (Created page with 'Long ago, a hidden war raged between men, angels, and demons. Man, seemingly outclassed by these supernatural entities besieging both them and each other, ultimately proved to b…') (top)
- 02:25, 20 July 2013 (hist) (diff) All Adult Stories
- 03:21, 27 June 2013 (hist) (diff) FemBard: ...a suspicious-looking woman.
- 03:19, 27 June 2013 (hist) (diff) FemBard: ...a suspicious-looking woman.
- 03:15, 27 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N FemBard: ...a suspicious-looking woman. (Created page with '"I must admit," the woman says, her voice a deep, sultry tone, "it's hard to surprise me, but this... this did it." You quickly push yourself to your feet, covering your nudity …')
- 01:55, 27 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N FemBard: All this public nudity has made you horny, go someplace quiet and masturbate! (Created page with 'The afternoon is beginning to wind into evening as you slip into a close-by alley, barely able to contain your excitement. It's not perfect, but you find a spot that's reasonabl…')
- 04:45, 26 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N FemBard: Nab some food at a nearby tavern (Created page with 'Still grinning a bit from the afterglow of your exhilarating exhibitionism, however brief and mostly unintentional, you make your way into a small tavern. Outside and in, it's a…')
- 01:46, 26 June 2013 (hist) (diff) CIESA Go to Sleep (top)
- 08:19, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N CIESA Go to Sleep (Created page with 'Anya stretches and yawns, crawling into the surprisingly comfortable bed. It had been a long day, and she was so very glad to rest at last. Sleep came over her quickly. ''Dar…')
- 07:23, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) Those unfamiliar with the TES4: Oblivion mod "Claudia's Little Secret", please read this before adding. (top)
- 07:22, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N Those unfamiliar with the TES4: Oblivion mod "Claudia's Little Secret", please read this before adding. (Created page with 'Claudia's Little Secret is a long, sex-oriented quest mod for TES4: Oblivion. The player takes the role of a "chosen one" who rebuilds, with the help of a menagerie of character…')
- 07:05, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N Category:Claudia Inn: An Erotic Skyrim Adventure (Created page with 'An index of the pages in the story ''Claudia Inn: An Erotic Skyrim Adventure''')
- 07:00, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) Claudia Inn: An Erotic Skyrim Adventure (top)
- 06:55, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N Claudia Inn: An Erotic Skyrim Adventure (Created page with '*Those unfamiliar with the TES4: Oblivion mod "Claudia's Little Secret", please read this before adding. ---- Night looms, and Anya Montclaire yearns for a bed. Her journe…')
- 06:09, 20 June 2013 (hist) (diff) All Adult Stories
- 06:41, 3 June 2013 (hist) (diff) N The Mind Controlling Device/(Device) Take her to your bedroom. (Created page with 'You take a long moment to ponder your options. You consider just telling her to strip right there, but that strikes you as a bit crude. You ''want'' to see your mother naked, c…') (top)
- 20:16, 10 April 2013 (hist) (diff) N D&D: It is a human male child. (Created page with 'The thing responsible for stealing your clothes is nothing more than a child! Twelve, maybe thirteen years of age by your reckoning, with short dark hair. He rubs his head and …') (top)
- 19:57, 10 April 2013 (hist) (diff) D&D: It came from your right, where you left your things. (top)
- 19:57, 10 April 2013 (hist) (diff) N D&D: It came from your right, where you left your things. (Created page with 'Your keen ears register a faint sound to the right, where you'd left your things. Initially you write off the nondescript sound as woodland creatures, but when you realize it's …')
- 05:46, 8 April 2013 (hist) (diff) N It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves... (It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves... moved to D&D: It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves...: Changed the option from the parent page to match the nomenclature of the other pages in the story.) (top)
- 05:46, 8 April 2013 (hist) (diff) m D&D: It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves... (It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves... moved to D&D: It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves...: Changed the option from the parent page to match the nomenclature of the other pages in the story.)
- 05:40, 8 April 2013 (hist) (diff) D&D: Go out into the wilds to seek the plants. (top)
- 07:01, 26 March 2013 (hist) (diff) All Adult Stories (→Adult Stories)
- 06:59, 26 March 2013 (hist) (diff) All Adult Stories
- 09:02, 8 March 2013 (hist) (diff) N D&D: It came from your left, and sounds a bit like hooves... (Created page with 'Your eyes immediately shoot left, where the sound originated. It sounded like hooves, but too heavy to be a deer. Certainly a cow wouldn't be out this far. The answer reveals …')
- 08:49, 8 March 2013 (hist) (diff) D&D: Go out into the wilds to seek the plants.
- 08:48, 8 March 2013 (hist) (diff) N D&D: Go out into the wilds to seek the plants. (Created page with 'Most of your adventure is quite uneventful. The most excitement you have seeking out the clearings is a false alarm with a wild boar. Before long you've plucked several of the …')
- 08:18, 8 March 2013 (hist) (diff) D&D: Female Human Ranger (top)
- 09:08, 7 March 2013 (hist) (diff) D&D: Female Human Ranger
- 08:26, 7 March 2013 (hist) (diff) D&D: Check the bulletin boards for outstanding bounties or wanted posters. (top)
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