Sit on the hood of the car

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:49, 30 September 2010 by Pshawerky (Talk | contribs)

You gently ease your posterior down on the hood, warm from the running motor. The vibrations shiver against your ass and you feel them waking the sluggish blood in your hard-on. She leans her palms against your seated hips and looks in your eyes. "You sure you're okay, cutey? You're saying some pretty strange things."

Right then you feel every bone in your body, and then some, are perfectly whole, and something quiet in your head says Grab her now. But the subtle shift in her body pulling your hands up and around her vanishes and she's looking at something else. You look and see that one of the car doors is open, the back passenger one, facing the shoulder.

"Shit!" says the redhead. She walks over to the open door and looks inside. From where you're sitting you think you can see a large duffelbag in the back seat, and what looks like a blanket thrown on it. The redhead turns around to look off the road, across the tall grass and corn, back and forth, apparently not finding whatever it is she's looking for. "She's couldn't have gone far," she says.

The redhead leans into the car, grabs something, and comes back over to where you're sitting. "Ducky, can I tell you something? I'm oddly taken with you, and I would feel terrible if something happened to you now, after your accident with the butter." Her smile is a kind of saucy cross between thinking you might believe that, and thinking you are lying, and not giving a fuck either way. "But I need to go look for.. a friend who was in the car with me. Can you wait here for a little bit? I promise I'll be back right away." Right Away is emphasized by her knees bumping your leg.

"And then maybe we can see how your hand is at.. miniature golf?"

Health Horny Location:

On The Road

MP 0
Level 1
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