Pass on the offer, you don’t like the idea of being set up

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Pass on the offer, you don’t like the idea of being set up

“I don’t know man,” You sigh, really not liking the idea of being set up with someone you’ve never even seen before. “I think I’m gonna have to pass.”

Your friend sighs disappointedly. “You sure? I mean, I haven’t seen her for myself, but she sounds nice...”

Sounds nice? Yeah, that probably means she’s ugly. Not that you’re a shallow guy, you’re just not into blind dates.

“Yeah, I’m sorry man. I’m, just not into it.”

“Okay,” Your friend says. “I guess I’ll just call someone else. Later man.”

“Bye.” You hang up the phone, determined to find something else you can do tonight. You get on the computer and sign online. The cute, brunette girl who sits in front of you in class is on and so is the frat guy who lives next door. You:

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