Try to subdue him (Leon RE4 B)

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You shoot him in the left leg right bellow the kneecap, he falls onto his back clutching his wounded leg shouting ¨Coño!¨. You quickly rush up to him and turns him rougly over onto his stomach and pulls his arms high onto his back. He tries to get free but you manage to cuff him with your handcuffs. ¨Now¨ you say ¨im going to ask you a few questions and you will answer them, got it?¨. ¨Cabrón! Te voy a matar!¨ the man shouts and tries to wrestle free. ¨Im gonna take that as an yes¨ you say calmly.

Suddenly Pedro and José rushes in with their pistols drawn ¨What happend? We heard gunshoots!¨ José says. ¨This man attacked me so i had to take him out.¨ You respond ¨Perhaps you can help me interogate him becuse i don´t speak spanish.¨ ¨Sure thing¨ José says. He knells down right next to the man and says something in spanish to which the man responds to by shouting angrily to José. José tries several times to get the man to talk but to no succses.

¨It´s creepy really, he is like an animal or something. He just keeps talking about ¨the others¨ and some sort of plauge.¨ José says.

¨Can you traslate it for me?¨ you ask.

¨Sure, ¨You bastards! The others will come and the plauge will take you too! You cannot escape!¨ ¨

¨That was not exactly informative¨ you sigh.

¨Well whatever he means we should keep an look out.¨ Pedro says from his position at the door.

What do you do?

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