Say you'll help

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:08, 31 March 2007 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

"OK," you finally answer, nodding your head. "I'll do my best to help you."

Katya looks up in surprise, then happiness and bursts out, "Thank you so much, I promise I won't cause any trouble!"

Caught up in the moment she jumps up and hugs you. Michelle looks a bit surprised but just smiles and thanks you.

"We should have the arrangments done within a week, so we'll contact you then," they assure you as they walk out the door.

After they leave you sit down on your sofa and wonder 'was that the best thing to do?....well it's already been done I guess. And this might be my chance to get laid...I have to do it in a month so I've gotta work fast.'

Days pass by, you teach classes like usual and see Michelle in class but she dosen't mention anything. After a week of no news you decide to do something. It is Friday so you have Michelle in your last period class. Maybe you could ask her...or just call Katya.

Health {{{Health}}} Identity:

Jack Foster, Philosophy Professor

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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