D&D : Walk around town for a bit and take in the sights, you've never been to a human city before.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:42, 12 June 2017 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

While you're eager to go out there and battle evil, you're also really curious since it's your first time in a human city. Before you realize it, you're darting from one curiosity to the next. Distracted by all the new things you've never seen before and the far larger number of people than you've seen in any elf village, you don't notice the strange looks people are giving you at all.

It's hardly surprising though, none of them have ever seen a young elf with a lithe body running around excitedly while wearing a full platemail armor and a greatsword that's taller than the elf herself.

Time flies and before you're done exploring all over town, the sun is setting in the horizon and darkness is starting to fall. Realizing with a start that you haven't got a place to stay yet, you scurry to act quickly before you're forced to sleep on the streets. That would be way too humiliating for a proud paladin of righteousness. Though of course, hardships come with every adventure.

Your thoughts of hardship, humiliation and righteousness are so absorbing, your reverie is only broken by the sun stetting completely and darkness falling over the city.

D&D: Go to the inn and hope they'll still let you in.

D&D : Are approached by a bunch of shady adventurers.

D&D: Find a place to sleep in the streets and suffer the hardships any adventurer must suffer.

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