D&D: Well, you are kind of a thief. Perhaps you can join the thieves guild for starters?

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It's hard for a lone thief to do well in the world. No willing clients to start with, nobody to help fund resources for your missions and nobody to bail you out if things go wrong. At the very least it's worth starting in a thieves guild, even if you break away later.

Yes, now all that remains is finding a thieves guild to join. More powerful guilds tend to be easy to find and they tend to publicly advertise. The guard can't shut these places down, as they are too essential to noble houses and have paid their bribes. Either that, or the guard deals officially with them under the table when they really need evidence.

On the other hand, there are hundreds of smaller guilds that need to hide from the law. Whereas the former thieves guilds train investigators and spies, smaller guilds opt more towards thugs and muggings, and need to hide from the law. They tend to be cut-throat organisations, with leadership changing by day. On the upside, a skilled Rogue like you could easily do well in one of these organisations, and probably rise to the top of one easily. The only downside is you would probably get on the bad side of the law if you did...

Although there are even more esteemed thieves guilds in the city, most only recruit by head-hunting. That is to say, they'll ask you to join, not the other way around. Their bases tend to be hidden, and are just not an option for you.

D&D: Might as well aim high. You know of a thieves guild close to the market that is quite famous in the area, 'The Dragons Trove'

D&D: Start wondering the streets looking for a lesser guild. You know the places to look and the questions to ask, so it shouldn't be too long before you find something

D&D: Ask Lommey whether he knows of any sort of guilds you should join, although he's been out of the game for a while, he's got to have some old friends, no?

D&D: Put on your cutest face and ask Lommy how he'd feel about you setting up your own guild in his inn.

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