D&D: The lieutenant arrives and emprison you for distracting the guards

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:15, 22 March 2016 by Xelnaga92 (Talk | contribs)

As you start gathering your thing the lieutenant comes back with a troop of guards. You suddenly realize what a bad idea it was to speak to the lieutenant. He don't seems to like dark elves as much as your previous company. The guards try to defend you but your quickly restrained and thrown in jails. Your in a cell waiting for human justice with nothing but your boots on and your hair tied backward. You sigh. You'll really hate the human world some days.

D&D: The lieutenant comes to torture you

D&D: The lieutenant decides to punish you differently

D&D: The lieutenant decides to use you to distract his troop when their off duty

D&D: The lieutenant decides for a public "execution"

D&D: The guards decide to free you

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