Critical Role - Keyleth - Continue Sprinting Towards Silverspire

From Create Your Own Story

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Shaking your head at the idea of ignoring your Father’s advice, you push on through the pain of your burning muscles. Darkness begins to fall as the sun begins to set behind the far-off mountains. A few lights begin to appear in Silverspire’s distant windows, guiding you to your destination.

A shiver runs down your spine as the cold wind reaches you, heralding the coming rain. Your nipples inadvertently begin to stiffen from the chill and become completely visible to anyone as the downpour hits you like a wave, instantly soaking you to the bone and causing your thin dress to cling tightly to the shape of your body.

You wish you had chosen to wear take a bra with you when you left Zephra, as your wet breasts bounce up and down with each step you take, slapping against your body with a slight squelch from the dress material bunching up underneath them.

You stumble for a moment on a loose stone, but a rumble of thunder almost overhead forces you to recover quickly. The sky is pitch black now. The day has turned to night and the stars are hidden by the dark clouds. You only guidance are the faint flames in the distance. A scream escapes your lips as a bolt of lightning strikes a tree less than 100 feet to your left, splintering multiple branches and setting the rest ablaze. You need to get inside shelter soon!

As you follow the path around a corner, you finally see the gates to Silverspire! The guards must also be taking shelter, as there is no-one posted either outside or on the walls. You race up to them, a sense of renewed hope filling you. You pound on the locked wooden gate, hoping someone can hear you above the now continuous low rumbling of thunder.

The sound of jinggling keys comes from the other side before one of the gates are pulled open by a tall man in a dark, hooded cloak. “By the Dawnfather, get in here girl!” He cries out, waving you in.

You rush through and hug your saviour, thanking him for helping you. The guard pulls away from you, seemingly embarrased by something, despite the two of you still being in danger. He pulls his cloak tighter around his body before turning back to you.

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