Blackmail/your house/"I'm not sure"

From Create Your Own Story

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He nods his head understandingly.

"Do you feel feel worm in your kitty?" he asks.

"M-maybe" you reply uncertainly, in truth your kitty is burning. "How do I stop it, Daddy?" you ask.

"Well, what you do is, you get your hand." He gabs your hand. "and put it in your panties." He slips your hand gently into your panties.

"Is that all? How will that help?" you ask innocently.

"well, do you trust me?" he asks. "Y-yes" you answer uncertainly.

"Are you sure?" you node your head and say "yes" very firmly.

"okey get your finger, and poke it into your kitty." You do so, putting it all the way in, uncertain where this is going. "Now, slide in another." You do, gasping at the sickening feeling. "Now, pull them almost all the way out. again, you do what your daddy asks, leaving less than a centimeter of your finger in.

"Now push them back in slowly." You comply. "Now watch the sow and repeat what I told you." he demands.

You nod wordlessly and stare at the screen. At the moment a woman is lying spread eagle on a table, a dick in her pussy and one in her mouth while jerking off two guys who are holding her down.

You slowly penetrate your kitty, in and out, at first feeling like your are going to through-up because this is so wrong, wrong, wrong. But, slowly, almost involuntary, you push your fingers in and out faster and faster, finger-fucking yourself harder and harder. As you do, the sickening feeling terns into bliss and than and than into wild, animal pleasure.

You cant hold it in any longer, "Daddy, Daddy, fuck me Daddy!" you moan. "I want your cock so bad, give it to me Daddy, Make me your play thing! Fuck me against the walls Daddy, fuck me on the table, the car, in my room, fuck me on the floor like a dog Daddy, Daddy, Daadddyyyy.

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