Against better judgement open the door?

From Create Your Own Story

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You open the door; relieved to be seeing only Jackson. “Hey, babe” you mutter still recovering from the shock. “What brings you around this hour? Is this a booty call? You can't help but chuckle. He barges into the door not even meeting your eyes. Then he stands in the midst of your kitchen his back turned towards you. Something is wrong. “I’m leaving.” he says. While the words linger in the air-your mind races. Leaving the school district? Leaving for vacation? Leaving for what???

You have 1,000 questions but remember with Jackson (especially when sad or angry) to make your select number of questions worth wild. “Why?” is all you can muster. “My parents saw us together,” [CHANGE THIS PART] Jackson says, [Insert how here] they're sending me to Washington to live with my aunt and uncle until I go to college. “Washington D.C.?” you ask slightly relieved “ that’s not horrible, it's about a 6 hour drive, and I’ll get my license starting now, so i can visit you every weekend, and we can spend the whole summer together” you move behind him and wrap your arms in a loving embrace. You can hear his heartbeat.. And it’s slow. While he doesn't shake you off, he doesn't relp it.

He finally faces you giving you a cold glare, "Because I didn’t want this to happen- I thought you’d be better off thinking I'd abandoned you rather than break your heart” he frowns. He then sprints over to you for one final kiss, it’s cold and forced. He then hugs you for the longest minute of your life. You try and remember his whole presence: his hair, skin,- breath for as long as possible. He smells like pine ( perhaps out in the woods) after you hug he stares into your eyes... his are shaking, from the reflection of the watereciprocate either, his stance is still stiff. You don’t think he’ll be staying too long… “No, i moving to Washington state.” You heart drops liked a lead bomb, the love of your life vanishing before you eyes. Tears start to well up, but you’re no pussy; so you try and hold it in. It feels like your throat is closing, and you're choking on air. You sputter the words, "Can I at least send letters?” there’s a long pause before he responds,” my parents want to basically isolate me from any connections here, and they’ve made my aunt and uncle aware of that…they’ve said any name addressed to me from Connecticut will be burned” You can’t breathe, you need air but your suffocating on words. You move over to the kitchen chair, covering your eyes so he won't see the tears. "So this is it? The beginning of a book that just ended?“ how long until you leave?”

“Tommorow.” he says.

“Bullshit! There's no fucking way you heard about this today?! So why are you doing this to me??" you're scream could be heard all the way to the lake. You search for some type of expression from Jackson but its blank. You can’t even find his eyes. In one brief moment Jackson glances towards you his eyes black, and teeth gritted; he looks like a dog. "Fuck you!" This is all your fucking fault." He's in such a fit of rage, you wouldn't;t be surprised if he had killed you then and there. But rather expels his anger on you, he then turns to the door, rips the doorknob nearly from the frame and slams it. Leaving you in complete silence and sadness.

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