Serenity: take the compliment

From Create Your Own Story

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Serenity sat there starring at the screen trying to think about her reply. Instead, she sat there waiting for another response from the stranger so she could have a further look at who she was speaking to. After waiting a minute, Serenity looks at her camera and realizes that whoever was typing to her was also watching her from the other side, pretending not to be there wasn't going to work.


After a minute of waiting, Serenity crosses her legs and soon understands that whoever was typing wasn't actually going to hit enter to send their message. Another 60 seconds pass and Serenity decides to respond to the compliment that was written to her.

Aww, thanks :)

You're welcome, what are you doing?

Figuring that this was going nowhere, Serenity gathers her courage and asks the question that has been lingering around.

Are you the one looking through my webcam?

It only took seconds until the stranger responded to Serenitys' question.


Serenity: why?

Serenity: unplug the camera

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