
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:53, 1 September 2015 by Zaick (Talk | contribs)

Very quickly you realize it was a bad idea to try and make it to the stairs. You instruct Wes to go first, so he would not look at you from behind and realize anything. With him in front, you tentatively look back and forth from the stairs to the room behind you while holding the hoodie down. Then, you hear the creaks.

The first moment it happens Wes looks back and sees you are pulling the hoodie downward. He gives a confused look, but also his eyes just keep lingering on the space in between the two halves of the hoodie. Maybe it was only half a second, but his eyes did stay. You think you would feel angered, but there is nothing right now. Instead, there is only falling.

The ground collapses beneath both your feet. Wes jumps toward you, likely in some way trying to help, but the ground is crumbling more underneath him than yourself. You turn back to try and find something to grab, and realize that the boards you are on top of are snapping just next to you - you manage to lay your arms across the remaining, snapped boards, falling between the rotten struts that were supposed to keep you and Wes aloft. Not only do you slide downward, but you feel Wes's arms around your hips, gripping hard. You look down to see him, his legs slightly dangling, looking upward in fright. His hands start to slip, and he tries to grasp again, better on you.

"No!" You yell as his hand grabs your leggings. You feel them begin to slide down your thigh, and you kick his face with your free leg.

He falls immediately downward, landing on his back feet below. The kick also pulled his strong arm down on your leggings while he grasped, his eyes closed and face hurting. Down your legs go your leggings, pulled and shredded. You are not far behind. With nothing to grip, you slide downward and fall. Your climbing instinct trains you to try and position yourself to roll, turning around, but the ground is not far away. You land on Wes with a thud.

Both of your groan, Wes likely hurting more than you. You are actually quite cushioned - the fall was not that far. No where near as far as you have fallen before. Your legs are initially together, and you realize you have effectively kneed Wes in the stomach. You spread them off his stomach quickly, "Oh no!" You say. Wes breaths hard, and you look to see if there is any bruising. Maybe there will be - you can't tell, really.

Wes opens his eyes slightly. "You aren't gonna kick me?" He asks softly.

You shake your head. "I panicked. Are you alright?" You lean forward to touch brush debris off his face.

"I..." He begins, then looks a little further down. You look down as well, and see that your open hoodie is showing very well the entirety of your collar and in between your breasts after the fall. The sight goes straight down, showing off nearly all of both your breasts before the zippers catch at either nipple, and slowly come together at the very low point below your navel. Your spread legs have positioned your naked crotch directly at the front of his pants, and your movement to lean forward has slightly grinded you upon him.

"Sorry!" He says and looks away. "Um. I'll turn around."

You sheepishly get off of him, pulling together the hoodie again. You wish you at least had a belt - something. As you move your leg, you feel a slight bump. What was that? Well, of course it was that. But now? With you?

You see him turn around, though as he does he groans. "Ah. Back." He says. His back is not bleeding, but has lots of debris stuck to it. A fall like that would definitely hurt, and you worry about the swim back.

Both of you hear a sound above you. "What th-" It is the voice of an old man. You back away from the light cast by the hole. Wes slowly drags himself with you, and you realize he is not moving fast enough. He might be seen, so you grab Wes by the arms and pull him to you. He collapses into you in the darkness, his body atop yours in the mess of the basement dustiness. You feel his back a moment.

"Damn wet ground!" The old voice says. "I knew this was... What is this, a spill? What - clothes?" The footsteps get farther. You figure the two of you are found out, and would likely be down here. It may be dark, but there does not seem to be much any place to hide.

And now, Wes is on you, hardly moving. You feel his breath against your ear. "What do we do?" You ask.

"Ugh. I think walking is fine. I should be fine in a bit. Hang on. Can you see?"

You realize now you can see a little - your eyes adjusting, you notice copious amounts of dust blankets strewn across the ground and different pieces of old furniture. This is just storage, quite simply. You still do not see a door leading down here, but it is just one huge room. It would help to explore such a large area, although with Wes injured, you may want to hide for a while, and under any one of these dozens of piles of fabric seems good enough.

Wearing wet Black hoodie with zipper broken up-front down to navel, boots, wet ripped black socks
Mood Worried greatly about Wes
Inventory (with Wes) knife, bag of 10 cans of paint, rope, pepperspray
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