Amelia/Purple Dress

From Create Your Own Story

< Amelia
Revision as of 02:42, 6 April 2015 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)
(Author's note :This content is somewhat outdated as Amelia's mother was originally meant as dead royalty,
but changed to a still very much alive enigmatic mage later on)

You think it would be best to let him see you are not someone he can lightly play with by presenting yourself as the pure-blooded royalty you are. You point at a dress you have never worn, yet are very attached to; it used to be your late mother's favorite dress and you insisted on keeping it in your drawer rather than letting those idiots throw it away. That and your mother's old wedding ring are the only keepsakes you have of hers. You slip the beautiful gold ring with a purple gem in it on your left middle finger.

You feel your heart beat in your chest as the soft fabric hugs your body, tears threatening to form in your eyes. You quickly get your heartbeat under control and calm yourself down before the maids notice. Then you tell them you wish to be alone for a moment and they scurry off.

You decide to leave your room, intending to go to the library, your mother's favorite place to be. As you step out of your room however, a servant approaches you. You aren't in the mood to deal with people right now so you wave him off and walk to the library. You can sense the servant following you, but you don't care.

You sit yourself down on a dusty chair by the window. You fired the last dumb maid who tried to clean this particular chair in an emotional fit and no one has dared to approach it since. Looking back at it, that was kind of a pathetic reason to ruin someone's life, but even more pathetic is the fact that she was actually fired for upsetting a little girl.

You close your eyes and let your happy childhood memories swim through your mind. A smile forms on your lips and you doze off.

When you wake after what must have been about 40 minutes, you notice the servant from before is standing not too far away from you fidgeting with his feet. You mentally smile at the silly picture; he must have been too afraid to approach you. Can't really blame him considering your reputation. Taking a closer look at the servant, you recognize him as one of the stable boys called Willem. You took notice of him because he seemed to genuinely care about the horses and do his best at his tasks. You personally requested the stable master to let him take care of your horse. Not that you'd ever tell him of course - it'd only go to his head.

You beckon him over. You see a flash of panic in his eyes as he approaches you like a scolded dog. So cute!

"You have a message for me, servant-boy?" you say mockingly before he could open his mouth.

He stands there for a second confused by you interrupting him. "Err.. yes, your carriage has been prepared and the escort is waiting for Milady downstairs."

"Very well, tell them I'll be there shortly," you say and hand him a full gold piece on a whim - an extremely generous tip.

"Y-yes milady," he blurts out happily, eyes wide. He's probably never held a real gold piece before. After gawking at his treasure for a while, he gets his act together and runs off. You let out a little chuckle and prepare to go downstairs.

Perhaps you should say your goodbyes before leaving, but they'd probably waste your time with pointless sentimentality.


Go say your goodbyes to everyone

Go convince some of the more capable servants to join you

Decide you don't want to deal with any further nuisances and head for your carriage

Health 100 Equipment:

Purple Dress, Mother's Wedding Ring(keepsake)

Stamina 100
Mood Amused Inventory:


Purse 1999, 500, 00
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