You are locked in some kind of environment similar to the zoo with other creatures.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:42, 10 December 2013 by Alipheese (Talk | contribs)

You're not sure why, but you feel strangely calm and settled about all this. You slowly get up, staggering a little as you adjust to your new body, your wings and tail throwing off your balance a bit. You look around the enclosure, like a giant zoo exhibit, with high stone walls on three sides and long stretch of tinted glass on the fourth. You can't see anyone watching you, but your vision is still a little fuzzy.

From above, there are serval humans watching you through multiple small magical eye creatures that you know called Minfus. They usually used for recording a memory or event or take picture anywhere for the owner. They look like an eyeball with small wings and appear to be just watching you from a far distance. You shake your head and see many different animals types looking at you. Some are slowly approaching to you. You think "Maybe there's something on me..?" And you quickly look down to yourself some more.

You see that there is nothing on you but...

{{Status=Dragon|Health=Powerful and Horny|MP=145|Level=1}}

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