Reluctantly agree, and return her torn clothes

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:27, 1 April 2013 by Kanin451 (Talk | contribs)

With great effort on your part, you back away from Michelle, despite protests from your inner voice and throbbing cock. You take a deep breath and sigh as you return the tattered remains of Michelle's clothes. You have to admit, although she's covering herself, she's never looked sexier to you.

As she gets dressed, she turns to you and says, "I want to see you in the observation lab in five minutes. I want to run some tests on you and myself."

"Why yourself?" you ask.

Michelle finishes buttoning up her blouse, and crosses her arms. "You came inside me. I don't know what that'll do to me, and I want to make sure that no unforeseen side effects will happen. Besides, if I conceive a child from your sperm, it'll certainly make for an interesting observation."

You look away from her, feeling terrible that you raped her. "I'm sorry."

She smiles and shakes her head. "I've already accepted your apology, Sarah, you don't need to say your sorry anymore." With a quick pat on the head, she smiles at you. "See you in five, okay?"

You nod, and she leaves you by yourself. Despite the comforting words, the fact that you stole your love's virginity tears you apart inside. But she wouldn't want you to dwell on it, and so with a deep sigh, you try and keep your chin up, for her. Now the question remains, what to do about this twelve inch pole sticking out of you.

Corruption = 35%

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