Start a conversation to pass the time

From Create Your Own Story

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"Michelle?" you ask.

She seems deep in concentration at what the computer shows, but she answers, "Yes, Dear?"

You twiddle you thumbs together, as you nervously think about what to talk about. "Um... do you... have someone you care about?"

She lets out a chuckle, making your heart jump with excitement. "I care about you, Sarah. But if you're asking if I have anyone special in my life, no. My work has always been the great love of my life, and I just don't have time for boys."

"Boys?" you innocently ask.

Michelle slaps her head. "Right, I forgot, they never took the time to educate you down here, did they?"

You shake your head. "No, they said I didn't need it. I'm just an experiment, and experiments don't get educated, they said."

Michelle spits in disgust. "Assholes. You're a human before an experiment, Sarah, don't ever forget that."

"Am I human, though? I hear some of the other doctors say I'm not."

Michelle stops what she's doing and kneels down next to you. Your eyes meet, and you're transfixed at the sight of her gorgeous green eyes. She takes your cheeks in her hands and whispers, "You are human, Sarah. I know you are. Never let anyone tell you differently. You may be different, but if everyone was the same in this world it would be pretty boring place. Don't you think?"

A big smile spreads itself across your face at her words, and you eagerly nod. Michelle always knows what to say to make you feel better, and you give her a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiles at you, and returns your kiss on the forehead, before heading back to her desk and finishing up her scans.

Corruption = -8%

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