Put Lily on the Wheel.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:50, 11 February 2013 by SeraSweetly (Talk | contribs)

You ask Lily to stand in front of the Wheel. At first, she doesn't want to. She reminds you that people who are strapped to the Wheel aren't removed until they're dead. She waits for you to change your mind, but you only meet her with silence. As the realization that you want her to die for your pleasure dawns on her, tears form in her eyes and begin to stream down her face. But Lily has only ever wanted you to be happy. She's only ever wanted to guide you to your ultimate sexual pleasure.

"If this is how I can please you," she says, "I will gladly go do my death."

She stands in front of the Wheel and assumes the position, her arms and legs in a spread-egale position. The man running the booth that sells implements of torture hands you several leather straps. As you begin to bind Lily's wrists to the spokes of the Wheel, you feel yourself becoming incredibly aroused by an overwhelming sense of power. You pull the straps tight, making sure the leather digs into her flesh. You bind her ankles.

A crowd has gathered, and many people are pressing around the booth, examining various tools and toys with which they can torture Lily before her body ultimately cannot stand it any longer.

A man beats Lily with a policeman's baton. Immediately, bruises appear across her stomach and thighs.

A woman beats Lily's breasts with a riding crop until they are striped with red welts.

You spin the Wheel until Lily is upside down, then start inserting a huge metal cylinder into her cunt. The metal is cold insider of her, but it's smooth - her natural lubrication helps it slide into her; she's excited because she knows this is turning you on and she's only ever been turned on by giving you pleasure.

People continue to use her until she dies.

You've killed your guide and can no longer find your way around Blessed Union.


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