See what the others know

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:46, 8 September 2012 by Login7 (Talk | contribs)

I think I've spent enough time with Martin. Not that it was completely unenjoyable but it has been an hour already. Even though I am sure he has the information I need, he does not seem to plan on giving it to me. At the very least not directly or easily and I need to make some progress on this case. Let's see... I glance down at my notes.

Martin - blonde, 20s, male, telepath
Sheila - brunette, 40s, female, superstrength
Walter - brown hair, 30s, male, invisibility
Randy - red hair, 20s, male, pyrokinetic
Dorothy - white hair, 9, female, telekinetic

Martin seems quite unlikely. The victim was crushed by a chamber no human could move and telepathy won't help. Sheila is a possibility. Clearly strong enough to move the chamber... but she would have needed to operate in plain sight. It is important that I not assume anything though. It is possible she did operate in plain sight. After all, the others may not have done it, but I doubt many of them are sad that Dr. Harrison is dead and probably would not have stopped her. Walter can't be completely eliminated. Invisability wouldn't have made him strong enough but I don't know the limits of his power and I have a hard time trusting what can't be seen. Randy seems pretty unlikely as well. No evidence of fire. Of course there could have been supports under the chamber that were completely melted without a trace. I can't quite cross him off yet. Dorothy would have had the easiest time with the murder. She could have moved the chamber and acted in plain sight, but she's only 9 years old.

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