Walk towards the park with the lake

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk south into the park. The voices of the sailors out on the lake occasionally drift across to you, but other than that the park is still and weirdly silent.

Shielding your eyes from the sun you look up to see that the park curves away from the hill and skirts the lake before meeting a thick copse of woods. You have a dim sense that cutting through the woods is the most direct way back towards town.

You feel beads of sweat prickling Anna's naked skin. A stray cool gust of wind is a pleasing distraction from the heat. You swing your arms lazily and enjoy the sensation of Anna's ample breasts bouncing in the breeze. You like this body a lot.

The fog that Anna's mind was experiencing is lifting but slowly. How much did this girl drink? you idly wonder. At this moment you trip clumsily over your own feet and go sprawling in the dry grass. Great. You begin to wonder if it may be worth finding somewhere to lay low for the day. You stand a better chance of having fun with Anna if you're actually in full control of her you reason.

You look up and notice the row of benches sitting alongside the path which heads away from the lake and toward the wood. You see no path toward the lake from this side. You would need the carry on walking across the grass.

By one of the nearer benches is a woman sprawled on a towel. Her back is to the sky and she is quite naked. A pair of sneakers and shorts lie alongside her. There is, oddly, no bag and no sign of a top of any description.

Do you:

Or do you go back the way you came and

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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