Walk up the pathway to the front door (w inv)

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk down the pathway up to the front door. You see two guards dressed in suits standing in front of the door. As you approach them, one of them says, “Invitation, please?”

You calmly reach into your pocket, fish out the invitation, and hand it to the guard. He looks over the invitation and nods to you. “Welcome to the party, Mr. Velez,” he says to you while handing back the invitation. “The party is in the ballroom at the end of the hall. Dinner will be served at seven o’ clock in the dining room to your right. Enjoy the party.”

He steps aside and you enter the building. You walk down the hallway and enter the ballroom. The room is enormous with a ceiling two stories high and with glorious windows facing the sea. The walls are adorned with candelabras and framed photographs of Anthony in various exotic places meeting various exotic people. This room is clearly Anthony’s pride.

You walk around the room, looking for your targets. There is a wide variety of people in the place. Some are old, some are young, and some are children. Most are paired up with a spouse or significant other. You hear a roar of laughter coming from a circle of people in the back of the room. Looking between the heads of people, you see a fat Italian man in the center of the circle that resembles Anthony Benedetti from the photograph. You continue to search for Vladimir, but no body in the room is speaking Russian or speaking in a Russian accent. Finding Vladimir may be harder than you thought.

A man walks into the room and announces that a magic show will being in the lounge.

Find a vantage point to shoot Anthony
Eavesdrop on the party guests for Vladimir’s position
Go to the lounge

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