Walk towards your family

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:51, 8 January 2010 by Relafen66 (Talk | contribs)

You sit down in the front of the hall with your family. A solemn look in your parents faces the funeral sermon had begun. The Father(Priest) voice echoed through the crowd. "We are gathered here to pay respects to Jacob"

Looking back rows of people dressed in black were here. The person who died must have been important to have this many people coming.

(After the Funeral) Your father talks to you. "You two will follow Ian. We'll meet you for breakfast downstairs tomorrow we still have some business to take care of." He turned and left both your parents talking with the other adults. Ian was the driver who drove you here he motioned you over and you and your sister followed him into the manor.

The noise from the entrance was growing faint and the steps of your feet on stone was now echoing the halls. Sometimes you'd pass by another person but the deeper you went you'd hardly see another soul. Grey hallways of stone and tapestry to open rooms decorated to be cozy and others elegant beyond compare with carpets and artworks lying on the wall. The manor sure was an odd mixture like a fun house.

You get to the third floor and you reach a cozy hallway. "This is your room" he points to your sister. You'll have another guest keep you company breakfast is at 7 downstairs in the patio. Your sibling opens the door and enters a glimpse inside another girl is there and the door shuts.


A few rooms down the same hallway was your room. Ian said the same speech and walked away. You enter the room. Like your sister you had roommates a blond haired boy and a red haired freckled one stared at you.

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You spoke first "Someone told me I was sleeping here?" The other boys looked at each other before welcoming you into the room.

It was a spectacular room 3 beds a spacious bathroom, closet, and a spacious balcony outside to look at the inner mansion.

The 2 other boys looked like they were about to leave right before you entered. They look at you the red haired boy asked "you want to come with us and look around?"

(((((The story diverges from now on so please choose your own adventure)))))

Go with them

Stay and go to sleep

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