Stand your ground!

From Create Your Own Story

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There is no way you are gonna fall back! The civilians are counting on you to protect them!

¨Stand your ground, men! Not one step backwards! Fight for the men and women of this city!¨ you shout with a voice that is heard over the sounds of combat.

You and your men fight bravely non-stop for over an hour, each one killing at least 20 zombies before they go down, but the sheer number of the enemy is slowly but surely pushing you back. And before you know it, they have breeched the blockade. Several of your men can't escape quickly enough and are draged onto the ground and eaten alive by the zombies. Most of them shout to you to help them but you can't. Filled with sorrow, you turn your back on them.

¨We can't hold them! Fall back to the hummvees!¨ you shout and start to run. ¨Sergent Ginovaef push the...¨ You don't get farther than that before a zombie tackles you onto the ground and bites you in the shoulder. You scream in agony but manage to shoot it in the head with your handgun. You get up and run towards the hummvees ¨Ginovaef! Push the button! Push the button!¨ Apparently he does because a secound later a big fireball covers the entire roadblock. The shockwave throws you forward and when you land you hit your head on the concrete. Just before you lose consciousness you watch the fire which now covers the entire roadblock and think that at least now your men will not become zombies. And then everything fades to black.

(Several hours later)

¨How is he?¨ you hear a voice say somewhere.

¨He has lost a lot of blood but he will make it,¨ you hear another voice say.

¨And how about the infection?¨

¨The medicine we gave him seems to halt the spread of it, more than that I can't say.¨

¨I guess we just need to keep an eye on him then.¨

¨I agree.¨

You give a low moan when you open your eyes and sit up. You appear to be in an train cart of some kind. Then you see who had been talking. Sergent Nicholai Ginovaef and Corporal Carlos Olivera.

¨You're awake!¨ Olivera says ¨How do you feel?¨

¨Do you really need to ask corporal?¨ you snarl ¨where is the others?¨

¨They are...We think they are dead sir..¨ Oliviera says.

¨WHAT!?¨ You try to rise to your feets but then it all starts to spin and you fall back onto the seat ¨Are you sure they are dead?¨ you breath heavily becuse of the pain.

¨'There is a little doubt about it sir,¨ Ginovaef says coldly ¨A couple of men were trapped in the...maze... of the road block during the explosion. And during the escape with the hummves we got splitted up when we got attacked by hunter class BOWs where at least we lost five men. More than that i don't know but if any of our men is alive right now then i doubt they are looking for us. It's more likely that they are heading for the extraction point at the church.¨

You swear under youre breath ¨Then we are all alone..¨

¨Im afraid so sir.¨ Carlos put in ¨I have been trying to contact the others but with no succses. I have even been trying to contact the remaning police but i guess they are too busy trying to fight the undead to care about three mercenaries.¨

You are all silent for a while.

¨Hmm... Well then i guess we better find ourself an way out of here.¨ Ginovaef finally says. ¨If we can get this train cart moving then we can use it to quickly reach the church.¨

¨Good plan sergent. See if you can get it moving and if you can´t then make a list of what we need to get it moving.¨ You say.

¨What about me sir?¨ Oliviera says.

¨You will go look for any potential survivors, either civilian or of our unit, and bring them back here.¨ you reply

¨Sir?¨ Ginovaef says.

¨You heard me sergent!¨ you shout ¨im not giving up because a small setback! The mission is NOT over yet!¨

Oliviera takes Ginovaef to the side for a little while and whispers something to him. When they return Ginovaef simply says ¨Of course sir, sorry i questioned your order.¨

¨I forgive you sergent, now move out!¨ you order them.

They both goes out of the cart and leaves you alone.

What do you do?

Try to get up (Mikhail RE3 B)

Get some sleep (Mikhail RE3 B)

Health 100% Equipment:

M4A1, Sig pro handgun

MP 0
Level 1
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