Swords and Spells

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:16, 21 September 2018 by Magikarp7297 (Talk | contribs)
Chapter One: An Unexpected Journey

You have dedicated your life to the study of magic and the way of the sword. As both a magician and a swordsman, you pose a serious threat to your foes. You wield the standard sword of the Magikus, and are unable to use any magic yet without any magical item.

And now, here you are, in the town of Lockwood, looking for someone. You are only an Initiate so far, but you shall be better some day. You are here to talk to someone named Raiku. It is said that he has information that might be vital to the survival of many innocents. The only question is, where can he be?

Health 100 Equipment:


MP 20
Level Initiate
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