Punch the wannabe leader in the face knocking him out

From Create Your Own Story

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"What say we get a better view here huh?" one of the boys sneers.The other boys all snigger voicing their agreement.Two of the boys advance on you reaching out and managing to tear your bra off. You yell indignantly however they're not done there.The other boy reaches out and grips the front of your panties, tugging at it forcefully and managing to tear it in two.You feel your cheeks burning with a mixture of anger and embarrassment,your undies now lying at your feet. "You friggen little jerks!" you yell as you stand there now completely naked.You're just glad there's no-one else to witness this

One thing is for sure though,you're not taking this bullcrap from anyone. Especially these rude little welps. You draw your fist back and then sink it hard into his face. You feel a small stab of pain in your wrists but it's overlapped by the satisfaction of the look of surprise on his face before he's punched. Much to even your surprise he falls back and lays motionless on the floor. You've knocked him out cold. You try not to laugh however as you can't help but think "Nighty Night.Sweet Dreams,a**hole!" in your head

The time to savour it is over how ever as the other two boy's initial sneering faces are replaced by looks of pure murder. "You're gonna pay for that you bitch!" one of them snarls at you as they begin to advance on you. Luckily for you two guys rush over to you from behind seemingly out of nowhere, their arms outstretched "what's going on here?" one of them pants. "That b*tch knocked my friend out" one of the boys yells pointing at the wannabe leader who's still lying unconscious on the ground."Yea after you--" you begin. "Okay" the man interjects quickly "I see that there's something seriously heated going on here best all calm down,we will call security so you'd best leave.Now!". The boys give a contemptuous look before walking over, picking up their friend and supporting him off. The guys turn to make sure you're okay and you insist that you're fine,just abit shaken up. Nonetheless a few minutes later you say your goodbye to them and walk back into your room,closing the door behind you. You still can't believe that you actually knocked someone out. Though he deserved it you can't help but feel abit sorry for him. You're sweating after that encounter

You decide that it be best to cool off in the best way possible for abit. You dry yourself off with a towel,close the curtains.You figure seeing as you're naked already you might as well take advantage of it and remain fully nude. You decide to take another nap,so after making sure the curtains are pulled shut this time, you lay down and soon find your self fall asleep.

You wake up a few hours later and realise it's after dark, it's still rather hot in the room and feel glad that you're in the nude. You decide you may want to get out. You slip your bra and panties back on again and:

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