Visit mom's room ...

From Create Your Own Story

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I went to mom's room opened her lingerie drawer and slipped my hard cock out. I knew what I wanted to do, I wanked and held panties and bras of moms against my cock, I was so ready ...

I speeded up and felt my cum building and sprayed my cum all over mom's lingerie drawer panties and bras, a real sticky mess.

I waited till mom came home and she went to her room, what would she think ?

I sneaked along and watched her looking at my cum splattered all over her underwear ...

"Omg ! The dirty pervert !" She muttered. "Brad come here !!!" She shouted.

Should I go along a bit more ? Yes.

"You are a dirty fucker, how dare you soil my clothes !" She was super angry. She grabbed me bent me over her lap and started to spank me, it really didn't hurt, she realised that and tipped my jeans off and boxers too and started spanking my bare arse ...

My cock was stiffening, surely she couldn't help but notice it soon ...

I erased time ...


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