D&D: FHR: Agree to what she wants, remove the towel and get in the bath

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"If you remove your foot, I'll get in the bath and remove the towel. But I am still holding your towel hostage." You force yourself to say, your voice husky with arousal, as her toes slide upward under the towel.

As her foot halts its movement and withdraws from under the towel, you run your gaze over her. She is lying one her side, her leg and one butt cheek out of the water and the bubbles. Bubbles completely obscure her crotch, but one of her breasts is only partially covered by bubbles allowing you to see what looks like an aroused nipple.

She flushes under your gaze as she moves her leg back into the bath, then she maneuvers around, ensuring lots of soap bubbles cover her breasts. She grasps the side of the bath and sits up on her knees, giving you half of the bath.

You wait until she is watching you and the bend forward grabbing the sides of the bath and deliberately giving her a great view down your cleavage, then slowly and carefully step one leg at a time into the bath. You smile as she struggles to maintain eye contact, her gaze dropping repeatedly to your cleavage. Her flushes deepens as she realizes you have caught her.

You quickly straighten, standing up in the knee deep bath, your hands fly to your chest and you use your superb coordination to grab the ends of the towel, whipping the towel off your body in a single lightning motion and holding it like a curtain in front of you.

As you whip the towel off, Jurani surprises you reacting with stunning speed, shooting to her feet, both of her arms spreading wide, her hands lashing out to clasp the bottom edge of the towel.

For a second both of you stand, knee deep in the bath, arms stretched wide, looking across the towel stretched taunt from chin to chin, hand to hand, the towel hides your naked bodies.

"You have a problem..." Jurani teases, smiling sexily, as you frown, she continues "I love rescuing hostages." and throwing her shoulders back, she yanks on the towel.

Just barely you manage to hang on to the towel, pulled towards her, you take a step, then heave your shoulders backwards, wrenching the towel in the opposite direction, she hangs on, but is pulled towards you.

With both of you leaning backwards, your bodies collide, thighs skid across thighs, hips thrust against hips, stomach rubs on stomach, nipples dig into soft flesh as breasts squash and shove breasts and skin slides very pleasantly against skin, as warm water and soapy bubbles from her soaking wet body, cover the front of your body from breasts to knees.

The collision releases the tension from the towel, about to fall backwards, you both desperately straighten your bodies, release the towel and grab the only thing that can stop you from falling - each other.

Despite this intimate collision, the towel now draped over both of your breasts, has prevented you from seeing anything of the others naked body.

D&D: FHR: Straightening too quickly, your lips meet in a unintended kiss

D&D: FHR: Julius enters the room

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